Saturday, 25 April 2009

Journey to flight school-A head fook

It doesn't take a genius to see that the recent slump in the world economies has hit many companies and sectors hard, and the aviation industry is not exception. Unless you voluntarily ignored the news towards the end of 2008, a few airline companies have gone under suddenly, XL is a good example, releasing all those trained experienced pilots into the jobs market. So is it wise to train as a pilot in this day and age?

Well type a quick search in (professional pilots rumour network) for pilot training and about 80% of the post replies are accusing the wannabee pilot as MAD and ARE YOU INSANE?

Well perhaps we are. There is no denying that there are unemployed pilots out there, looking for jobs, competing with cadets coming out of flight school with low hours and experience. And hours count in this game!

But numbers? Can anyone quote accurately the numbers of pilots in the hold pools and applying for jobs, accounting for pilots that have moved on to greener pastures? Perhaps, perhaps not.

But even so, can they say what those numbers will be in April 2010, when I might be out of flight school? Difficult to say, if could be good, it could be worse. All I can say is that no-one, no matter how qualified they think they are, can predict how likely getting a job will be. These crystal balls just don't exist.

So is this a good time to train?

The schools say yes, the airlines say yes (some of them). But you could argue that they would say this to get bums on seats and notes in their pockets and a good supply of decent future pilots should they get a shortage. In April 2010, or there abouts, I shall reflect on my current thoughts, and see if I was indeed INSANE!

Well in the end of the day, what does a wannabee pilot want? Simple, a job in right seat of any aircraft. Some do aim for the top airlines, complete with a nice pay package, but frankly I would be happy with any job, even one, to quote Top Gun, a job flying rubber dog shits from Hong Kong!

So how would one get into flight school with an increased likely hood of securing a job in the end. Simple answer, either sleep with the HR department of all the airlines (both sexes) or, if you butt can't handle it, get a sponsorship.

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